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‘Workplace’ Category

Green Building or Sustainable Building are trendy terms in the Real Estate sector. Much more than a passing fad, it is a real restructuring and a profound change in Real Estate codes.

Those changes are more than necessary for the environment and our well-being. Our new article is thus about Green Building and its many advantages. You can also find some inspiration ideas in pictures below. ⬇️

  • Definition:

Green architecture is a term referring to the creation or restructuring of buildings, so they have minimal environmental impact.

There are several approaches to green building that involve the responsible recycling of available resources and the efficient use of eco-friendly systems.

The main objective of green architecture is above all the environmental protection. This is achieved through natural materialsbuilding design – room layout and positioning – energy management, and the living environment.

Green architecture goes beyond sustainable architecture, especially through plants and green spaces. In some green architecture projects, the buildings are dressed with green facades, for instance.

For a construction project to be considered green architecture, it should tick these three boxes:

  • Sustainability: preservation and protection of the environment,
  • Nature-inspired and build better technologies: such as honeycomb panels for better constructions,
  • Human ecology: aims to promote social relations.
  • Inspiration:

  • Advantages:

Green Building has many advantages on different levels:


Research has showed that Green Building generates:

  • Occupancy rates of up to 18%.
  • Rental incentives of 2% to 8%.
  • Energy savings of up to 15% by using self-sufficient and clean energy production methods such as solar energy.
  • More targeted and thoughtful purchases through reduced consumption and unnecessary item purchases.
  • Reduced waste and pollution.
  • More stable and sustainable environment.
  • Reduced use of fossil fuels.

Green Building allows the creation of buildings that are more resilient to climate and weather threats. These buildings are also likely to have lower maintenance, repair and insurance costs over the long term.


In addition to the ecological aspect, we need to take into account the social aspect. Taking care of people is in the interest of investors and occupants:

  • Safe and secure workplace, reducing injuries and work stoppages.
  • Improved productivity through better workplace wellbeing.
  • Increased engagement of occupants.
  • Efficient use of workspaces and better maintenance of structures.
  • Enhanced property value.
  • Tax benefits for green buildings.

Implementing the necessary measures upstream will be less expensive and stressful than waiting until legislation is properly introduced, as governments are increasingly strengthening sustainability regulations.

Many architects, builders, and clients agree that sustainable and smart buildings are becoming a necessity. Indeed, according to some estimates, buildings represent approximately half of the global material and energy consumption, one sixth of freshwater, and one quarter of wood products.

As the costs of sustainable materials and products are falling, Green Building is the solution and is truly the most cost-effective type of construction and design. 🌿

Our lives – professional and personal – have significantly changed during the last couple of years especially because of the global pandemic that forced us to reinvent ourselves, changed our habits, our ways of communicating, working and living together. The term hybrid takes on its full meaning since then. Almost everything has become hybrid – from our workplace to the services we need.

Remote working, social distancing, flexibility, and our taste for an ever easier and smoother life has raised the virtual to an enviable position of leader. 🥇


  •  Concierge service: creation and definition

Concierge service was originally created for the workers at the World Trade Center – as employees were taking too much time to get their meal during their lunch break because of the great number of floors. In order to solve this problem, companies created the concierge service and other services were progressively added.

It gathers today daily services provided to a company’s workers directly at their workplace. Ironing, meal delivery, dry-cleaning, beauty care, shoe repairing, personal package delivery, car washing, or even flower delivery are some examples of the many services provided to the employees that make their personal life smoother.

The name is borrowed from the luxury hotels conciergeries that offer a wide range of services to their clients. 🤝


  •  The global pandemic: how to adapt

The global Covid-19 pandemic has upset our routine – as for many other things in our professional and personal daily lives. Remote working and lockdown left almost every office empty for a while. Concierge service had stalled. The industry needed to bounce back. But how? Accompany employees in their family lives was a way for concierge service to start making workers life easier.

Some companies decided to launch digital offerings dedicated to intergenerational activities – that everyone likes – such as family cooking classes, foreign language courses, or even online sports activity, for instance.

Other companies decided to focus on the health and well-being aspects – which became significantly important during these dark times that have reminded us that health is our most valuable asset – namely with advice on workplace ergonomics, relaxation methods and stress management workshops.

Concierge service did not derogate from the rule, it had to evolve and adapt to the new societal standards – which apply to both private and professional settings. ☺️


  •  Hybrid side: what is the future

It is very difficult – not to say impossible – to envisage concierge service without a hybrid aspect nowadays and for the future.

One of the objectives is to adapt the services to any company size – no matter the occupancy rate – with great flexibility and agility. The most essential step is to keep the majority of services already available and to avoid sacrificing the content offered to the employees.

Making the transition to this hybrid aspect can be difficult when you do not have the solutions adapted. IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management System) solutions can ease business management and hybrid workplace organization. They are integrated software solutions that are a great support to concierge service as detailed in this article.

Companies have now different expectations like creating social links and team building – namely through on-site and virtual events (conversations and relaxation moments, culinary workshops, solidarity initiatives, etc.). Employer branding and work life quality are now the main concerns of business executives.

As you might have figured out, the future of concierge service is hybrid but also… green!

Beyond the professional sphere, there is a collective consciousness that is pushing us to change our behaviour at an ecological level. Employees express a growing need for green purchasing, sustainable products and services. A renewed interest for the zero waste and DIY that companies – thanks to hybrid concierge service and adapted software solutions – should listen to and support. 🌿



Concierge service plays an important role in a company life. It makes it easier and smoother for the employees – who are more happy and grateful in their professional life – and it has thus positive impacts on their productivity, which is great for the company.

As life evolves, our personal objectives and behaviours are also changing. Companies should adapt to and embrace this hybrid aspect, which is very useful and beneficial when it is framed and supported with tailored solutions.

If you need integrated software solutions to help you make the transition to hybrid concierge service, please check our website here: 🔗

The global pandemic has completely changed our vision and way of working. Remote working – almost non-existent before all of this – is now a part of our professional daily life – for the jobs that do not require a physical presence.

Now that the health situation seems to stabilize, many firms are getting back to the office. Remote working has however changed our working habits forever. Flexibility, autonomy, time and cost savings had become highly significant standards for workers.

The following 5 tips will help you to make the return to the office easier ⬇️


1.   Organize a resumption meeting

Your collaborators need to express how they feel about this experience and the situation. And so do you! We suggest you to organize an informal meeting in real life for a warm approach – not at your facilities, but during a lunch at a restaurant or a team building activity, for instance – or online if it is not possible – but remember to keep it casual.

It is also the perfect moment to motivate and encourage your troops through an inspiring speech – by acknowledging their challenges, emphasizing their determination, and thanking them for the work done! 🤝


2.   Define other priorities

The last two years had tremendous economic impacts on most companies – to varying degrees depending on your business sector. There is no doubt that each company needed to rethink its goals and strategy to adapt them to our new global environment – that is changing so quickly, and challenging us at the same time.

What is your company’s position in the sector? Which products/services should be highlighted? How could your collaborators contribute? Involving your employees in these processes will increase their commitment, and then strengthen the company foundation. 💪


3.   Give up on static work methods

Remote working has skyrocketed, as everyone knows. Fully integrate it into traditional working methods are a part of companies’ challenges nowadays. Video conferencing, working from places external to the office, flexibility, online communication, etc. Digitalizing and hybrid workplace are now an absolute need for companies!

IWMS solutions (Integrated Workplace Management System) are becoming essential for an easier business management. They are integrated software solutions available aiming to reduce costs and increase productivity. Space planning – booking a desktop or a conference room, for instance – portfolio management, asset management – furniture and equipment – maintenance and management of operations are covered by IWMS solutions. 🖥️


4.   Create new rituals

Rituals are essential for group cohesion: the traditional coffee break, a team building event, evenings in front of Champions League games, or even just a simple smile – now hidden by the mask! – are many ways to grow this cohesion.

With the social distancing, and hygiene standards to respect, our way of interacting has changed. We need to find or create new rituals respecting our new social codes while keeping the human dimension – that is so significant – in this hybrid work environment. 👍


5.   Adopt remote working… to some extent

It seems complicated – not to say impossible – to consider today’s working life without a remote part. With all the benefits such as time savings and increased quality of life, this work organization is essential nowadays.

We recommend you integrate some days of remote working per week when possible, and offer solutions adapted to your collaborators to optimize their work hours and productivity at the same time. How many days? Fixed days or not? Try to define it in conformity with the company and employee needs. 🏠


Our now digital work life can be complicated to organize for companies that do not have tailored solutions. They had to find ways and adapt in order to provide the best possible work conditions for their collaborators while working from home.

IWMS solutions can be an efficient option through consulting services, technology deployment, and program and project management. It will help you align your collaborators, processes, and technologies in an easy and digital way.

If you are interested or need more information about IWMS solutions, please check our website by clicking here: 🔗

As you may already know, our company – named Properties Solutions – has been specializing in IWMS solutions since 2015. However, you are probably wondering what this acronym stands for. But, what is actually an IWMS solution?

A little hint: it’s a smart and efficient way to reduce costs while increasing productivity within your company.

And we’re sure that – even though you may not be familiar with this technical term – you know the concept!

Not convinced? Well, read this article and tell us after in comments 😉


  •  Definition of IWMS:

IWMS stands for Integrated Workplace Management System. The first work “Integrated” is extremely important and is the key of this concept.

The IFMA (International Facility Management Association) has defined IWMS as a platform which supports the planningdesignmanagementuse, and allocation of a company’s assets based on its localization.

IWMS solutions were created to maximize the use of workplace resources, such as:

  • Portfolio Management,
  • Facility Management,
  • Space Management,
  • Project Management,
  • Operations Maintenance and Management,
  • Relocations and development Management,
  • Asset Management (furniture and equipment).


  •  What does “Integrated” mean?

As we have previously seen, a huge part of the importance of this solution is concentrated in the “I” of IWMS. The term “Integrated” represents the integration, unification and sometimes the fusion of many software solutions specialized adapted to workplaces.

One of the greatest advantages of an IWMS solution is that it incorporates and adapts to the distinctive features of each activity sector.

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  •  Why to use an IWMS?

An efficient and fluid communication within a company is a key to success. IWMS solutions were precisely created for this reason.

You can see this software solutions as an evolution through the digital revolution. IWMS allows the interoperability of these solutions and ensures the data durability of a company.

You can think of it as an all-in-one digital platform especially created and designed for a company and its specific needs. Some tools related to services – for the facilities, occupants, or working processes – can also be integrated.


  •  Who is IWMS for ?

IWMS solutions offer a complete range of services. Used for planning and managing the services for the facilities, occupants and working processes, this kind of software solutions can be a great help for everyone regardless of the business sector.

You can be more interested in these solutions if you have the following position within your company:

  • Facilities Manager,
  • Office Manager,
  • Property Manager,
  • Security Manager,
  • Human Resources Manager,
  • Chief Happiness Officer.


  •  In a few words…

To sum up, an Integrated Workplace Management System is a complete digital platform which responds to all the issues of Facility Management and Property Management.

Interoperability is a crucial issue to maintain a fluid, flexible, and complementary information system, but also to ensure the singularity and security of data.

You can calmly anticipate the future and progressively equip yourself according to your needs and budget.

The digital transformation must encourage companies to equip themselves with adapted IT solutions that communicate with each other.


IWMS: we have so much to say on this fascinating subject… For this reason, we have decided to redact several articles in order to develop this theme and possibly answer any questions you may have following this article.

We have today defined the IWMS solutions. The next article will focus either on the different missions that can be realized thanks to it or the numerous advantages of using such an integrated system.

Stay tuned to not miss our next article dedicated to IWMS!

In the meantime, you can check our website available here 🔗 and contact us for any additional information request.

Hybrid workspace is a mix between face-to-face work at the office and remote working from an external place – it can be at home or at a coworking space, for instance.

This new kind of work organization combines the benefits of both sides and limits the negative aspects. This is why many companies have adopted this work organization today.

However, an efficient hybrid work organization requires adapted solutions and methods. We are going to give you some tips on how to design an efficient hybrid workspace right below. 👇


  •  Hybrid workspace and mobile working:

Remote working has started a new trend: the mobile working – which is a working method not tied to a physical location. The individual office and accredited desktop are starting to disappear in some companies nowadays. Flex office and shared spaces dedicated to work are expanding to meet these new requests.

A worker can now settle where he/she wants at the office according to his/her schedule and tasks to be done. Integrated software solutions help to create an adapted work environment.

Companies are becoming a place of collaboration in which employees meet, exchange ideas, and create bonds. The individual office and accredited desktop are now at home.


  •  Many workspaces in one place:

The company’s facilities are now a place where different work spaces are available. Each one of these work spaces can have different employees in a single day depending on their needs and schedule – a meeting, for instance.

Some workspaces can be dedicated to exchanging ideas with colleagues face-to-face, organizing a remote meeting, or for brainstorming sessions. The places are now adapting to the people, and not the other way around anymore.

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Example of a collective space equipped with a screen and projector for meetings, for instance.

IWMS solutions were created to ease and manage Space Planning, among many others. It can be interesting for a company to choose these integrated software solutions in order to manage efficiently its different workspaces.


  •  Balance between collective and individual spaces:

Hybrid workspaces are a brand-new organization for companies which want to embrace these working methods. Managers need to redesign the spaces and juggle them according to its use – individual or collective – and equipment – with a video projector or not, dual screen, etc. It is crucial to find the right balance between the two uses.

Creating several spaces with different purposes are essential for an efficient hybrid workplace. During the work day, collaborators need spaces which can be loud – such as meeting rooms, or informal spaces for exchanging.

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Example of an informal space for brainstorming, exchanging or creating bound, for instance.

But, remember to always dedicate enough calm spaces that favour concentration and relaxation or for when someone needs to be in his/her own bubble – for writing an important email, making a phone call, meeting with someone remotely or just breathing.

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Example of private space for private phone calls or meetings, for instance.

If you want to go further and combine flexibility with eco-sustainability, the flex office could be an interesting option for you. By reusing furniture according to the company and employees’ needs – such as small tables on wheels, compact and easy to transport from a space to another or tables which switch from a sit to a stand mode in a few seconds, for instance.

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Example of eco-sustainability with these sit-stand tables.


With an efficient hybrid organization, the office is no longer seen as “the place you work at” but the place which carries the company’s values and creates a sense of belonging. The care aspect becomes highly significant.

Employees feel comfortable in their different workspaces, which has a positive impact on their productivity and thus the business economics.

Are you interested in switching to a hybrid organization? Through our IWMS solutions, we can support you in this process. Check our website here for more information:🔗

There is a before and an after Covid-19 on several levels. Remote working has skyrocketed since then, and this situation has proven us its efficiency. This is why this new way of working is now being structured with adapted tools and working methods.

Most companies have rethought their working habits and have now a hybrid organization combining remote working and presence at the office.

Our article will explain what is a hybrid workplace and how to adapt to this new working conditions. ⤵️



  •  What is hybrid work?

This kind of work organization is a mix between face-to-face work at the office and remote working from an external place – it can be at home or at a coworking space, for instance.

You have thus the advantages of both organizations: at the office, you develop your social and professional life, and remote working offers you the possibility to increase your quality of life – costs and time savings, and flexibility for instance.

Hybrid work is a great compromise because it also allows limiting the negative aspects of each work organization. With a fully remote working, employees can feel isolated. Some workers may feel the need to come working at the office a few days per week to reconnect with their colleagues and to have this face-to-face interaction, which is of great importance for the sense of belonging to a group or company.

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It also avoids to waste time on the way to the office, or money for the fuel every day which have a direct negative impact on the employee quality of life.

Companies can thus invent a clear model that gathers the best of these two sides and allows its employees to work efficiently both at the office and at home. 🏢 🏠


  •  How to adapt?

As we have seen, hybrid work organization provides indisputable benefits. Companies need to adjust since this work habits require some adaptations.

  • In terms of training: managing a team at the office and remotely is not the same task. It can be a major challenge for managers who are not used to it. Office work needs also to adapt and be reorganized through creating a flex office, for instance, to define work station according to the needs.
  • In terms of digitalization: remote working has considerably accelerated the digitalization within a company. This mission is generally carried out by the IT department, in collaboration with executives, managers, and employees to meet their needs.
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In order to ease this change to hybrid work process, a company can involve IWMS specialists, for instance. Using Integrated Workplace Management System solutions is the perfect choice to ensure this transition to a hybrid organization. Space Management, Portfolio Management, Project Management, and Asset Management (furniture and equipment) are some of the many advantages of adopting such software solutions for a successful hybrid organization. 🖥️


  •  Crucial aspects of a hybrid organization:

We have list for you five key elements to check while using a hybrid organization:

  • Ensure data security regardless of location,
  • Provide effective and adapted communication tools,
  • Train the managers for this hybrid organization,
  • Meet your collaborators’ needs,
  • Support these new work habits by specifying the work conditions.

Hybrid work organization represent an ideal solution combining the advantages of remote working and working at the office while limiting the negative points of these two sides.

This organization also represent real changes and challenges for a company which need to be supported. Adapted software solutions exist to ease this change, such as the implementation of an IWMS.

If you need more information about this kind of solutions, you can check our website by clicking here: 🔗

Depending on the type of company, and the generations, three different trends in office design emerged. These trends have a direct impact on the efficiency and commitment of the tam members. With the global pandemic, a new type of workspace has become popular: working at home.

Closed offices, open spaces, collaborative spaces, and remote working office are the four different categories we have determined.

After defining each one of the four workspaces, we will give the advantages, and disadvantages of each one and solutions to remedy the situation in our new article.⬇️


  • Closed office:


This type of workspace is generally reserved for professionals with a high hierarchical level or who work with confidential information daily. The closed office spaces have thus several advantages and are suitable.

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  •  Benefit from audio and visual privacy,
  •  Have nearby storage: to store all the documents,
  •  Appropriate the space: add your own personal touch – such as family photos, plants, frames, and so on,
  • Positive feeling of hierarchy,
  • Organize meetings directly at the office.

Despite all of these advantages, closed offices also have negative aspects, as we will explain right below.

  • Less profitability of the space: requires more surface area because of the partitions/walls,
  • Feeling separated from the others: it can result in a lack of interactions,
  • Less specific knowledge transfer: the team also tend to talk about some ongoing projects, and you can miss this information if you are isolated from them,
  • Extended static position: because you have everything you need at hand,
  • View and natural lighting: not everyone will benefit from an outside view and natural lighting. Being “locked” within four walls can be pretty complicated.
  • Shared office,
  • Shared meeting room,
  • Hybrid workspace,
  • Glass walls,
  • Convivial meeting zones.


  • Open spaces:


This type of workspace has become extensively popular in the last years. At open spaces, professionals have their own assigned desktop, but without four walls for each one that separate from the rest of the team.

Read right below to discover the advantages of working at open spaces.

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  • Easier and more efficient teamwork: better communication and collaboration thanks to the proximity,
  • Profitability of the space: you don’t lose space because of partitions or walls,
  • Specific knowledge transfer: you can hear the conversations about ongoing projects and their progress in real time,
  • Egalitarian hierarchy,
  • Natural lighting.

Open spaces have many advantages, as we have seen, but there are also a few disadvantages.

  • Acoustics and lack of productivity: many people in the room cause a lot of noise,
  • Less confidentiality,
  • Loss of the feeling of high hierarchy level.
  • Client area to allow confidential exchanges,
  • Phone booths for call phones,
  • Calm rooms for when you need to concentrate and think calmly,
  • Divided areas in the open space to limit the noise,
  • Use sound-absorbing material: acoustic separator, rug, acoustic ceiling, sound masking system, etc.


  • Collaborative spaces:


The third type of workspace is the collaborative space. It is trendy and divide people: some would never go back to another workspace and others are very sceptical. Collaboratives spaces are unassigned desktops. You can thus decide where to go base on your needs: concentration, collaboration, sharing, learning, and so on. This is the activity based workplace.

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  • Autonomy and mobility lead to more motivation, creativity, innovation, and commitment,
  • Flexibility of the space ease the company’s expansion and growth,
  • Ergonomics: changing areas through the day and changing postures according to your needs,
  • Better cohesion between the team,
  • Specific knowledge transfer,
  • Profitability of the space,
  • Natural lighting.

We will now present the disadvantages of collective spaces.

  • Acoustics and lack of productivity: due to a lot of noise,
  • Less confidentiality,
  • Loss of personal space,
  • Loss of the feeling of high hierarchy level.
  • Client area to allow confidential exchanges,
  • Calm rooms for when you need to concentrate and think calmly,
  • Divided areas and phone booths to limit the noise,
  • Use sound-absorbing material: acoustic separator, rug, acoustic ceiling, sound masking system, etc.


  • Remote working office:


Remote working has skyrocketed due to the global pandemic. Although we are at home, we need to gather all the necessary conditions to create a work environment favourable to concentration, collaboration, and communication.

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  • Autonomy and flexibility,
  • Costs and time savings,
  • Better balance between personal and professional lives,
  • More creativity and productivity,
  • Less stress.

Remote working also has negative aspects, as we will explain below.

  • Feeling of solitude and isolation,
  • Loss of sense of belonging,
  • Loss of sense of support and supervision,
  • Interruption from family members,
  • Loss of barrier between personal and professional lives.
  • Dedicate a space for working hours,
  • Disconnect at night and during weekends,
  • Communicate with the team every day,
  • Organize videoconferences,
  • Alternate between remote working and the office.


As we have seen in this article, the four different types of workspaces have thus advantages and disadvantages. The good part is that it exists several solutions to solve these issues.

Another option can be to mix these different organizations together with two days of remote working a week and convert different areas at the office to meet the professionals’ needs depending on their missions.

IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management System) are a great tool to manage and reconcile these different work organizations. It is an adapted and customized software solution to manage your facilities. Do you need more information? Check our website here: 🔗

A company needs to consistently innovate in order to ensure the quality of life and well-being of its employees. This innovation should also apply to its facilities. Choose a workspace adapted to the company and its development is a crucial question. The employer must thus be able to provide solutions to improve productivity and efficiency at work.

Open space, remote working, coworking or even desk-sharing are the main work organizations that can be implemented. Do you want to know more about them? Our article is made for you 😊


  • Open spaces:

This type of work organization have become very popular and it is almost standard for most of companies nowadays. It is a shared workspace where employees are not separated by partitions. There are pros and cons of adopting this workspace.

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  • Employees see, and hear each other,
  • Ease communication,
  • Favour collaboration and team cohesion,
  • Reduce company’s costs,
  • Employees can work together.
  • Noisy and loud environment,
  • Lack of privacy,
  • Difficulties to concentrate and focus,
  • Sense of being watched at all times.


  • Remote working:

Remote working has skyrocketed since the global pandemic. This work organization consists on working outside the company’s facilities. It is crucial to balance professional and private lives. Remote working is great because it combines flexibility, autonomy, and productivity.

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  • Time and costs savings,
  • Greater motivation,
  • Improved balance between professional and personal lives,
  • Greater autonomy and productivity,
  • Reduction of absenteeism,
  • Greater employees involvement,
  • Smaller ecological impact.
  • Lack of social interaction,
  • Difficulties in focusing,
  • Feeling of isolation,
  • Difficulties in transmitting urgent information,
  • Risk of unbalanced professional and personal lives.


  • Coworking:

A coworking space is a shared work space used by many professional at the same time. This work experience allows each one to professionally grow and exchange. It also helps with team building and cohesion. This organization is currently expanding.

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  • Professional improvement,
  • Increased motivation and productivity,
  • Increased flexibility,
  • Reduced costs,
  • Loss of isolation feeling.
  • Loss of professional secrecy and confidentiality,
  • Not adapted to big companies,
  • Not adapted if you need calm.


  • Desk-sharing:

The principle of desk-sharing is very simple: you share a desk with everyone. There is no longer assigned desktops depending on your needs. Desks are never empty no matter employees’ vacations, absence, or remote working days. When they arrive, employees work on a free desktop.

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  • Favour team building and cohesion,
  • Better flow of information,
  • Favour communication,
  • Costs savings,
  • Smaller ecological impact.
  • Noisy space,
  • Loss of personalized desktop,
  • Lack of sense of belonging,
  • Loss of time while finding a free desktop.


It is important to feel comfortable in your workplace to maintain productivity and efficiency in your professional life. Companies can embrace these different types of workspaces to favour the team building, cohesion, and creativity. What is your work organization?

If you need some help with your Facility Management, we can present your our IWMS solutionsIntegrated Workplace Management System is customized software solutions aiming to align your employees, processes, and technologies with your overall business strategy. Do you need more information? Click here to check our website: 🔗

Do you know the link between Real Estate Management, Energy Management, Space Management, and Capital Project Planning? They are all missions of a one same person at a company… the Facility Manager.

Facilities Management – also known as Facility Management – is often used in the business world. Do you know what it actually means? If you check on the dictionary, you will read that it is “the maintenance of an organization’s buildings, equipment, and land”.

We want to dedicate our article to Facilities Management and some tips to ease Facilities Managers’ daily lives job through IWMS Solutions (Integrated Workplace Management System).


  • Facilities Management: what is this exactly? 🤔

It gathers the tools and services which support the functionality, safety, and sustainability of buildings, grounds, infrastructure, and real estate.

Did you know there are two different types of Facilities Management?

  • Hard Facilities Management (HFM): this category gathers physical assets – that are mainly required by law and integral to the building itself – namely Lift Maintenance, HVAC System, plumbing, Smoke/Fire Alarm Systems, Emergency Exits, Building Maintenance, wiring, and so on.
  • Soft Facilities Management (SFM): this second type is more about services that make the workplace more pleasant and secure, but are not compulsory – such as Security, Catering, Lease Accounting, Car Parking, Landscaping, Custodial Services, Cleaning, and so on.


  • What does a Facility Manager manage? 🎯

A Facility Manager has a lot to think about, and the areas in which he/she must intervene are diverse and varied.

  • Cleaning: the workplace, Windows Cleaning, Waste Processing, Façade Cleaning, etc. It is a crucial point to give a good impression to clients and increase employees’ well-being.
  • Security: the Security Staff patrols, interventions, Emergency Services, and replacements of Security Equipment – First Aid Kit, Fire Extinguisher, etc.).
  • Catering: the provision and maintenance of vending machines, Food Services Support, if there is any.
  • Green Care: green areas – such as gardens, trees, plants, etc. – parking spaces construction and maintenance, fences and outside seating areas, balconies, fountains or even ponds.
  • Document Management: the Mail Processing – Incoming and Sending Mail, postage, Mail Registration, etc. – Archive Management, office supplies, printed matter maintenance, and company’s internal mail.
  • Overall Maintenance: it gathers the infrastructure, renovation, maintenance and design of the office buildings – painting, floor covering, electricity supply, anti-corrosion maintenance, sports equipment, and so on.


  • Cost optimization resulting in value creation 🤩

A clear structure of expenditure and a more efficient execution of non-core activities will result in a better cost management. Expertise, experience, and the best IWMS techniques are the perfect combination to achieve this efficiency in the execution and maintenance processes.

By reducing significantly your costs, you will obviously create value and budget to be used for other needs or growth initiatives, for instance. Friendly and safe atmosphere, agile working, perfect work-life balance are increasingly dominating the business world and are now considered as pillars. The economy is no longer only product-based, but also experience-based.

We have changed and increased our way of living by promoting well-being and efficiency – remote working, fast services and deliveries, pleasant and flexible workplaces comfortable meeting rooms, adapted and efficient technology, etc. This is precisely the Facility Management’s objective.


As we have seen in this article, Facility Management is much more than storage and distribution of goods, providing meals, cleaning and maintenance. Opting for an Integrated Workplace Management System could help you enjoy many quantifiable benefits in distinct areas – such as Portfolio Management, Space Management, Project Management, and Asset Management, to give you some examples.

A Facility Manager is a key player in a company’s everyday life: he/she is the person who deals with the smallest adjustment to large-scale renovations. You have much to benefit from a software solution able to ease the processes necessary to the company’s smooth running. If you need more information, you can check our website by clicking here.